Top Reasons to Call an Arborist

Why You Should Call an Arborist

Reasons to Call an Arborist

Calling a professional arborist is better than trying to do tree work yourself. Arborists know the best ways to take care of trees. They can spot problems regular people would miss. And they have the right tools and training to fix issues without hurting trees. Here are top reasons to have an arborist help with your trees.

1. Tree Inspections

Arborists look closely at tree condition to see if they are healthy or have damage you can’t see. Finding problems early means the tree has a better chance of getting better. Waiting too long can mean the tree gets really sick or falls over.

2. Removal and Cutting Trees Down

Taking down big, old trees close to buildings needs an arborist. They know how to take them apart slowly and safely. Their equipment like cranes helps too. Only use arborists with licenses and training for tree removal.

3. Trimming

Trimming helps trees be healthy and look nice. It also keeps branches away from your home. But bad trimming can hurt them permanently. Arborists prune carefully to help them the most. They know where, when and how much to cut.

4. Planting New Trees

Arborists help with everything when you add a new one, picking the type of tree, digging the hole right, staking it up properly. They give you proper care tips too like how much water is needed. This helps trees grow strong fast. Trying to plant them alone often ends badly.

5. Emergency Tree Care

Arborists can come quickly when a storm breaks branches or cracks the tree trunk. They brace the tree or remove the broken parts so the problem doesn’t get worse. Waiting to call for help can seriously hurt the tree.

6. Storm Damage

This can really hurt trees. Broken limbs and cracks let in bugs and disease. Arborists know how to fix damage to help them look beautiful again. They can brace weak spots, treat disease, and try to get trees back to normal.

7. Safety Hazards

Trees splitting apart or starting to fall over are dangerous. Warning signs include new leaning from bad weather, rotting inside, overhanging on power lines and mushrooms growing on the bark. Arborists can remove unsafe trees or prop them up with cables and braces. Don’t wait if a tree looks risky – call right away before someone gets injured.

Other Tree Services Arborists Provide

  • Landscaping – They assist with placing new trees properly based on size, sunlight, symbiotic pairings.
  • Pest Control – Treatment plans for pest infestations while preventing future invasions. Plus pruning crossing branches act as bridges.
  • Safety Issues – They mitigate precarious trees showing imminent failure warning signs before further hazards happen.

Why You Should Call an Arborist


Calling a qualified arborist at the first sign of trouble can prevent more property damage later on. Doing work yourself on big trees often ends badly and your property. Tree doctors have the skills to make trees healthy, remove hazards, and handle problems properly. Your healthy trees will live longer and need less major work overtime if an expert cares for them. Protect your tree investment by relying on a tree surgeon’s experience and knowledge when issues come up.